Supporting women in Central Asia
Over the summer, women in Central Asia have had their rights systemically stripped from them. Women now cannot raise their voices, show their faces, or sing in public. They also cannot leave their homes without a male guardian.
Though things continue to worsen, our Field Partners are still working to serve the women in Central Asia and introduce them to the hope of Christ. They operate two underground girls' schools, two carpet weaving businesses that employ women, and five sewing courses that have enabled several young female students to start their own businesses.
Two of our Field Partners in Central Asia are women, who are leading a church plant and boldly sharing their faith with the community of women around them. They meet weekly in their homes and over the summer studied Genesis, Ephesians, and Galatians. In a recent report, our Field Partner shared, “I ask you, dear ones, to pray to God to pray for our church and for all the believers who are present in this small church that their faith is a true faith and their path is the path of justice.” Join us in praying this over the church of Central Asia, and specifically for renewed faith and boldness for the women.