A story from the HImalayas

The region of our focus in the Himalayas is home to around 27 million unreached people and is considered less than 1% reached. It’s also a geographically difficult area, and our Field Partners, all natives of the region, often have to walk or bike for hours just to reach a new village or visit a church plant. In the Himalayas, Uncharted partners with recent graduates of church planting training who are sharing the gospel in these remote communities. Here is one of their stories, from our Partner S*:

S came to faith in Christ after a personal experience with healing prayer, and soon she began sharing her testimony with relatives and neighbors, adding new believers to their church fellowship. S’s passion for sharing the gospel has grown to include a passion for church planting.

S has chosen to work in an area with no existing believers or churches. She is actively preaching the gospel, sharing God’s stories and her own, and teaching her church members to share the gospel themselves.

S faces several challenges, including the difficulty of walking long distances for her ministry work. She also faces pressure from her family, who push her to leave the ministry work for more financially stable opportunities, despite being believers themselves.

Here’s how you can be praying for S:

  • Pray for the guidance and financial support needed for her ministry

  • Pray that S’s family will be encouraging to her continuing in church planting

  • Pray for the young believers in S’s church, that they are able to receive the training needed to empower and mobilize them as future church planters


Micro-loans in Central Asia


Supporting women in Central Asia