Myanmar Christmas Outreach
Every year, many of our Myanmar Field Partners host Christmas outreach events for their communities. These are often their biggest events of the year, and serve as a way to build relationships with those in their neighborhoods. This year sixteen Field Partners hosted events in 28 locations and were attended by 6355 people. In the month of December, 254 people chose to start following Jesus and 37 new believers were baptized! Though the Christmas celebrations are over, our Partners will continue to foster the relationships built during these events and follow up during the year.

Unfortunately, violence from the military junta continues to spread throughout the country which prevented several of our Field Partners from hosting Christmas events.
As the fighting moves closer to villages and urban areas, please keep our Partners who live in these dangerous places in your prayers. While some Partners have relocated to safer areas with their families, Myo San has chosen to stay in his village. He is using his home and resources to shelter the elderly, sick, or other neighbors who are not able to flee to safer areas.
We are so proud to be supporting Myo San’s work. Join us in prayer for relief from fear and violence in Myanmar, as well as for the continued resilience of our Field Partners.