Raj runs a vocational training program as a part of his ministry in Myanmar.
While Myanmar is still in crisis, our Field Partners there are able to do amazing ministry despite the struggle.
In June alone, our church planters in Myanmar helped 50 people choose to follow Jesus and baptized 27!
Many of the church planters have taken initiative to start businesses that give them opportunities to share the gospel and develop relationships. Our partners are starting construction businesses, leading vocational training, and providing English tutoring. As our Church Planter liaison, David, said, "It is really encouraging to see the fruits that our church planters are having.”
Kenneth baptizing a young woman in Chin State
Of the 27 baptisms in June, Kenneth Chan Hmung baptized 20! Kenneth and his family have been ministering in Chin State, an area greatly affected by the war. They have moved from village to village, fleeing violence. But in the midst of this, he is sharing the gospel with many other refugees and young people.
David told us, “You may have already known that most Chin people are Christians, but it is not true at all for young generations. So it is amazing how God is reviving the young generation through some of our church planters."
Though it’s been nearly a year and a half since the military junta took over Myanmar, life has only gotten more difficult. Fighting continues throughout the country, making it dangerous or impossible for kids to go to school. One village is safe while the next village is burned. No one feels safe or settled, but this is just life in Myanmar today.
Recently, our staff prayed Romans 15:13 over our Myanmar partners: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
We are burdened by the struggles of our friends in Myanmar, and encouraged by their determination to make disciples in every circumstance. Join us as we continue to pray for hope, joy, and peace in the hearts of these church planters and for the country of Myanmar.
Pray for the safety of our partners and for the flourishing of their ministries.
Pray for health, specifically for Ngun Khen, Duh Peng, and Isaiah.
Pray for the country of Myanmar, that it will be a place of peace once again.