Go Boldly, Flatirons.

Support international disciple making, church planting, and holistic care.

Sign up for recurring monthly donations, and join Base Camp—Uncharted’s community of people passionate about seeing the hope of Jesus reach overlooked and unreached places.

  • disciple making

    We partner with national believers in places with low response to the gospel. You can empower our Field Partners to share the hope of Christ in their communities.

  • Church Planting

    We work to catalyze local church planting movements in our international Locations. Help launch self-replicating and sustainable church movements in overlooked and unreached places.

  • Holistic Care

    In each Location, our Field Partners live out the gospel by caring for their communities’ unique needs. Support humanitarian care our Field Partners provide to offer love to those in need.

want to Make a one-time donation?

If you have a heart for a specific Uncharted Location or ministry, you can give a designated gift and specify how your funds are used.

If you’d like to support our work in Afghanistan, choose “Central Asia” from the dropdown menu.

Other ways to engage:


Send our Field Partners a note of encouragement. Write your message here, and we’ll make sure it gets translated and passed to our international Partners.


Get updates on our Locations, as well as devotional material, through our Journal posts. You can also download free PDF of some of our devotional sereies here.


Subscribe to our podcast, Perspectives Unsettled, for discussions on things that challenge our faith and disrupt the status quo.
